Hey. It’s Friday!
This week I read:
Ed Emberley’s Drawing Book: Make A World
By: Ed Emberley
LB Kids; 1st Rev. Pbk. Ed edition (April 5, 2006)
32 pages
So I have read Austin Kleon’s books. First the one on stealing. Then sharing. They are both wonderful books and you should read then if you haven’t. Later I began following Kleon’s blog and newsletter. And at some point after that, I heard Kleon recommended this book on drawing. The art instruction and drawings are so basic in Ed Emberley’s Drawing Book, nearly any child will be capable of following along. This is a great feature for me – because I can’t draw – at all. If you have a child interested in art, this book may be the perfect place to start.
I may try to do a few sketches from the book and share them on my website as time allows…
Don’t miss the best of this week’s posts:
3 Reasons Incentives Don’t Work
The Way The World Changes Is Always The Same
Maybe Education Needs Reforming, Maybe Not?
Healthcare Is An Economic Good, Unfortunately
Want To Write? Make Inspiration A Constant.
I hope you have a great weekend.