By: Austin Kleon
Turtleback; Reprint edition (March 11, 2014)
215 pages
After you learn to Steal Like an Artist, learn to show your work. It is the next step. Kleon encourages us to share and explains why this is so important. In doing so, he reveals the big secret to being noticed, and how to gain a reputation as a creative. Want to know the secret formula? He says: The way of a creative is to do great work, and then share it with other people. That’s it! Just like Kleon’s last book, this one is a delight.
Two of my favorite quotes:
There’s not as big of a difference between collecting and creating as you might think. A lot of the writers I know see the act of reading and the act of writing as existing on opposite ends of the same spectrum: The reading feeds the writing, which feeds the reading. “I’m basically a curator,” says the writer and former bookseller Jonathan Lethem.
When I was in college, there was always one classmate in every creative writing workshop who claimed, “I love to write, but I don’t like to read.” It was evident right away that you could pretty much write that kid off completely. As every writer knows, if you want to be a writer, you have to be a reader first.