When creative forces converge on something you have done, you immediately know it.
Or at least that is what I have been told…
Sure, I have had minor hits and minor successes.
A blog post here or there that reaches the right audience or touches a nerve.
More often than not, a post will hit the most on the day it’s published.
My favorite is when a long dormant piece finds new legs somewhere and gets hundreds of views, months, even years after it was originally written.
This is the inflection point that all creatives seek, a magical time when all the work you have put forth conspires to elevate your career to a higher plane.
This is Steve Martin’s inflection point:
Forces converged. The article in Rolling Stone, my live performances, appearances on The Tonight Show, a modestly produced one-man show on the new and experimental network HBO, and intriguing reviews and press made audiences ignite. The confluence that I had doubted would ever happen through auditions for sitcoms was now happening outside of Hollywood’s control. My audience was developing more like a rock-and-roll band’s than a comedian’s: I was underground and on the road.
-Steve Martin, Born Standing Up (Amazon)