I think that bosses get talked about in a manner reserved for superheroes when they are able to do three things.
- Hold a clear vision of the future
- Be decisive (and honest) about the operational particulars
- And maintain the drive to get there
Holy moly – why can’t there be more good and honest people in the business world?
Of course, that’s another way of saying: Why can’t there be more good and honest people everywhere?
Remember: Getting others on board with this is an issue of communication.
Musk has managed to conjure up that Steve Jobs–like zeal among his troops. “His vision is so clear,” Singh said. “He almost hypnotizes you. He gives you the crazy eye, and it’s like, yes, we can get to Mars.” Take that a bit further and you arrive at a pleasure-pain, sadomasochistic vibe that comes with working for Musk. Numerous people interviewed for this book decried the work hours, Musk’s blunt style, and his sometimes ludicrous expectations. Yet almost every person—even those who had been fired—still worshipped Musk and talked about him in terms usually reserved for superheroes.
-Ashley Vance, Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future (Amazon)