This may – or may not – be one of the best pictures ever.
It is probably the best picture I will ever take though.
Makes me want to pick up photography.
But all I need is one more thing, right?
–Lake Tahoe, 2012, iPhone 5
recovering economist
This may – or may not – be one of the best pictures ever.
It is probably the best picture I will ever take though.
Makes me want to pick up photography.
But all I need is one more thing, right?
–Lake Tahoe, 2012, iPhone 5
320 pages
Do not miss this moving story by acclaimed poet, writer, and singer, Patti Smith. Just Kids is a coming of age book about Smith’s relationship with artist Robert Mapplethorpe. This book offers a poignant reminder of the beauty to be found in close relationships.
Two of my favorite quotes:
Oh, take their picture,” said the woman to her bemused husband, “I think they’re artists.” “Oh, go on,” he shrugged. “They’re just kids.
I was completely smitten by the book. I longed to read them all, and the things I read of produced new yearnings. Perhaps I might go off to Africa and offer my services to Albert Schweitzer or, decked in my coonskin cap and powder horn, I might defend the people like Davy Crockett. I could scale the Himalayas and live in a cave spinning a prayer wheel, keeping the earth turning. But the urge to express myself was my strongest desire, and my siblings were my first eager coconspirators in the harvesting of my imagination. They listened attentively to my stories, willingly performed in my plays, and fought valiantly in my wars. With them in my corner, anything seemed possible.