Can anything be achieved before you get it into your mind to do so?
I am doubtful about this.
Anything can succeed or fail – but what is not committed to first – never even has a chance of success.
- What business proves to be successful, before the owner swears to beat down everything that stands against it?
- What marriage lasts, where there is a doubt of commitment in the beginning?
- What parent shines that has not sworn devotion and love, no matter the circumstance?
- What book gets written, before there is a line drawn to finish it?
- What blog lasts, that is done halfheartedly?
If you want something, anything, first you must commit yourself to it.
There is a poem by W. N. Murray, of the Scottish Himalayan expedition, that says: “That the moment that one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.”
-Jack Schwager, Market Wizards (Amazon)