This passage is right on the money, life IS delicious.
Life is so delicious, I am not sure how we make it to work most days.
Who has time for work when so much is left undone?
Time with a loved one not spent, a book not read, a cup of coffee not finished, a city left unexplored.
I know, I know – money and bills and all – but still.
I think life is delicious, and I want to gobble it up in big bites, eating, drinking, reading, talking, traveling—everything. I want everything. I’m hungry for everything, all the time. Bookstores make me ravenous, as do city streets and airports and glossy fashion magazines. So much to see, taste, touch, try, do. I can feel myself come to life, eyes open, taking everything in, fingers running over textures, ears pricked for sounds. I feel like life is so genuinely interesting, that there’s so much to be tasted and tried and discovered.
–Shauna Niequist, Bittersweet