Blogging experiments you run definitely make you look at what you are doing in a different way.
I mean, sometimes a meaningless picture can go viral on Pinterest, or what have you.
Other times, a 3,000 word post you have been working on for four weeks launches to chirping crickets.
All I know is that you can theorize all you want to, but there is no telling what people are going to choose to care about.
And you can’t decide it for them…
In a normal world, I would think that I am probably just bad at blogging.
(I am.)
But the internet is not normal, and the founders of BoingBoing happen to agree.
The more experiments you run, the less constrained you become by your ideas from the past. You learn from what you discover in your audience, on the canvas, or in the data. Instead of getting mired in the tunnel vision of your imagination, by looking out into the world you improve the acuity of your peripheral vision.
-Adam Grant, Originals