Business assumptions can be a broad issue, but specifically, assuming too much can stand in the way of empathizing with our customers.
I mean, if we can not stand in their shoes, how can we lead them down the proper path?
The website for your lawn company has 400 words on every variety of grass, and 1,200 words on how your dad started the company while in
The more stupid simple, stupid obvious, and stupid easy the better.
The grunt test is probably a good place to start.
In fact, maybe I should be more clear that the main thing I want is for a visitor to sign up for my newsletter.
I’ll need to think on this…
One of the biggest hindrances to business success is that we think customers can read our minds. It’s obvious to us that we want them to place an order (why else would we be talking to them about our products?), so we assume it’s obvious to them too. It isn’t.
-Donald Miller, Building A StoryBrand