“Every new idea is just a mashup or a remix of one or more previous ideas.”
This quote is from, Steal Like an Artist, By: Austin Kleon.
recovering economist
“Every new idea is just a mashup or a remix of one or more previous ideas.”
This quote is from, Steal Like an Artist, By: Austin Kleon.
This is such a good idea for innovation.
See, you usually do not have to invent the wheel to find a successful idea.
It turns out, small steps can make a big difference.
Don’t invent, improve.
You start by looking at where others are weak.
Ask: What can I do better?
“You don’t have to come up with the new, new thing. Just do the old, old thing slightly better than everyone else. And when you are nimble and smaller than the behemoths that are frozen inside bureaucracy, often you can offer better sales and better service. Customers will switch to you. If you can offer higher touch service as well, they will come running to you.”
–James Altucher, Choose Yourself