I have been pondering this tweet thread on asymmetric opportunities for a few days now.
This is nothing other than tilting luck in your favor by doing things that have:
A) low potential risk
B) high potential reward
The 9 Examples:
- Go on first dates
- Invest in startups
- Start a small company
- Create media
- Create software
- Go to a party
- Live in a big city
- Tweet
- Build in public
But the asymmetric payoff of investing in startups
has particularly piqued my interest at this point in my life.
For many of these, I am either already doing, or are no longer an option…
I blog, I tweet, I have been going to publish a book forever now…
But my wife would be less than pleased if I started dating again. 🤣
And yes – I wish I had considered all of this when I was 18.