Hey. It’s Friday!
This week I read:
Hatching Twitter: A True Story Of Money, Power, Friendship, And Betrayal
By: Nick Bilton
Portfolio; Reprint edition (September 30, 2014)
320 pages
I LOVE Twitter. Who knows what the future brings, but right now Twitter is my go-to social media platform. Sure, there is a lot of noise on Twitter, but there is also no better place to get noticed, and to communicate with the masses. People even leave email off their bylines these days, simply preferring to say: “Find me on Twitter.” This book is how it all began. Read at your own risk. You will never look at the founders the same way.
One of my favorite quotes:
“On Sunday mornings, the two daydreamers go on an adventure together, always taking the train through San Francisco to a museum, a park, or a bookstore.”
Don’t miss:
Over Deep Waters
Random Thoughts: #86
5 Things I Learned Reading: The Seven Good Years, By: Etgar Keret
Don’t Give Up
Satisfied With Existence
I hope you have a great weekend.