Ok, we know what fishing is about.
It’s about leisure.
It’s about being playful with time while enjoying the outdoors, the water.
But if you just want the result – without the prep.
I would go for a walk.
A walk by the water, of course.
“On a simple level, of course, staying in is the idler’s dream, because of the low physical effort involved. It avoids the tedious and costly business of getting ready, leaving the house, traveling somewhere else, attending the function and then enduring the still more tedious and costly business of getting home again at the end of it all. The entertainment is often undertaken out of duty, and is not of one’s own choosing. Planned schemes of merriment, as Dr. Johnson rightly pointed out, rarely turn into the best evenings, which are usually the unplanned ones, when you have abandoned yourself to fate and chance and chaos.”
–Tom Hodgkinson, How To Be Idle