Driving into Albuquerque with kids for an extended weekend?
To start, the only place you should be staying is the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort And Spa (tell them I sent you – no really).
Here is what you do:
- Arrive late
- Breakfast – Frontier Restaurant, ABQ
- Morning Plans – Shopping at ABQ Uptown, and stop for essentials at Trader Joe’s
- Lunch – Pappadeaux
- Afternoon Plans – Take the Sandia Crest Tramway to the top of the mountain
- Dinner – Twisters, in Bernalillo
- Breakfast – Bad Ass Coffee, in Bernalillo
- Morning Plans – Drive to Santa Fe, walk the square, tour Loretto Chapel, and Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi
- Lunch – Pantry Restaurant, in Santa Fe
- Afternoon Plans – Nap, sit on the patio at the Tamaya until the sun goes down, or take a late afternoon swim
- Dinner – Buca di Beppo, ABQ
- Breakfast – Buffet at the Tamaya Santa Ana Cafe
- Morning Plans – ABQ Zoo and Aquarium
- Lunch – Frontier Restaurant, ABQ
- Afternoon Plans – Nap, sit on the patio at the Tamaya until the sun goes down
- Dinner – Room service at the Tamaya
- Breakfast – Waffle House
- Drive Home