The guide of a story is the second most important character of any movie or book.
For while the focus is primarily on the hero, nothing that the hero does is possible without the guide showing the way.
Don’t know what I am talking about?
The truth is that, most stories are essentially the same.
They follow the same story format:
“A character with a problem finds a guide that gives them a plan of action. And with that action, the hero faces either success or failure.“
Stories that do not follow this line are usually less popular, and less satisfying to watch.
Don’t believe me?
Seven examples are linked above. And here are three more.
- Molly’s Game
- Sicario
- Southpaw
You’ve seen the guide in nearly every story you’ve read, listened to, or watched: Frodo has Gandalf, Katniss has Haymitch, and Luke Skywalker has Yoda. Hamlet was “guided” by his father’s ghost, and Romeo was taught the ways of love by Juliet.
Donald Miller, Building A StoryBrand