When a trip refuses to begin, it can, of course, be discouraging.
Take heart.
See, the issue arises when your odyssey is so far off, it seems like it will never come.
The entire thing can border on the abstract until your alarm goes off in the dark morning hours before you start out.
And this is truer the larger the expedition.
Maybe death is the most theoretical journey we will ever take?
It will definitely be the last.
In long-range planning for a trip, I think there is a private conviction that it won’t happen. As the day approached, my warm bed and comfortable house grew increasingly desirable and my dear wife incalculably precious. To give these up for three months for the terrors of the uncomfortable an unknown seemed crazy. I didn’t want to go. Something had to happen to forbid my going, but it didn’t.
-John Steinbeck, Travels With Charley In Search Of America