Does going weeks without shoes and eating with your hands not sound appealing to you?
Try this:
Spend four years in college, four more years in graduate school, two years unemployed, and the next 10 years inside of a grey cubicle.
Because right now a beach house and a clear schedule sounds like a blissful vacation.
I’d love to get a little lost right now.
But it’s all relative, isn’t it?
After a few weeks we would be itching to come back.
For the last few weeks, I’d lived friendless and alone down there. In a small but very nice rented villa. The island was largely funky and downscale and charmingly dysfunctional. It was half French, half Dutch—with plenty of social problems, working poor, and a large population of locals going back many generations, meaning there was life and business outside of the tourism industry, an alternate version of the island, where one could—if one so desired—get lost, away from one’s own kind. I’d been weeks without shoes, eating every meal with my hands. Who wouldn’t love that? I thought.
-Anthony Bourdain, Medium Raw