If you are wondering how to make big decisions, I have three points of advice.
- Ask the advice of close friends and family
- Read about it
- And have a plan
Because the honest truth is that if you can get a few major life decisions right, your life will go in an entirely different direction.
My simple advice?
Finish high school. Do not commit crime. Don’t have children before marriage. Stay married, if possible. Avoid addiction. Live below your means. Avoid debt. Get a job, and keep a job.
Do these and your life will, over time, look greatly different that people who fail at all of these.
I mean, teenagers are not know for deep critical thinking, but one or two bad decisions can send their lives down a completely different path.
Understand: You can take a huge step towards making better decisions in a systematic way by choosing to make The Seven Decisions.
And pray about it too.
“Most parents try to impress upon their children that where they end up in life has something to do with the decisions they make. Easy examples would be the decisions made about where a person receives an education or how much of an education . . . or what kind of an education . . . or if they get an education at all. “There are decisions about who to marry and when to get married or whether to get married.
-Andy Andrews, The Noticer Returns