Yeah, I don’t write long forms (much) either.
I don’t write long forms because I’m not interested in artificial deceleration. As soon as I see the glimmer of a consequence, I pull the trigger.
-Sarah Manguso, 300 Arguments (Amazon)
recovering economist
Yeah, I don’t write long forms (much) either.
I don’t write long forms because I’m not interested in artificial deceleration. As soon as I see the glimmer of a consequence, I pull the trigger.
-Sarah Manguso, 300 Arguments (Amazon)
Here are 20 writing tips from John Erickson’s writing memoir Story Craft (Amazon).
The story is more important than style.
The job is to communicate information and emotion.
It’s just good paragraphs and good sentences.
Be clear.
Use active voice, not passive voice.
Good writing is built using blocks.
Highlight the general by sharing the specific.
Use the correct writing voice for the task at hand.
Produce more than you consume.
You learn writing by writing.
Edit and refine.
Read – and get some experience living.
Use people’s subconscious when you are able.
Writing discipline trumps writing inspiration.
Not every story is worth telling.
You might struggle with being inspired to write. Write through this.
Worry about the craft, not getting a book published.
Keep your day job – until you don’t have to.
Don’t embarrass your mom.
[I enjoyed these tips from Derek Sivers, Scott Adams, and John Saddington too.]