One idea can change everything.
Of course, it can.
Plenty of people can point back to one book, one discussion, one event, one idea, that gave them a new perspective and set their life on a different course.
Warren Buffet, for example, has said that Benjamin Graham’s book, The Intelligent Investor, changed his life.
One piece of content can change everything too.
What idea will change yours?
One idea will change everything. One idea will change the world. You and I have seen one idea make billions of dollars. We’ve seen one idea save millions of lives. And one idea can move you from where you are to where you want to be. Incidentally, don’t ever allow yourself to believe that all the great ideas have been taken. Never forget that, as a society, we put men on the moon before anyone thought to put wheels on luggage! How many ideas are out there, waiting patiently for YOU to show up?
-Andy Andrews, The Little Things