Feels like everything has been a lot lately.
Nothing life-altering – simply way too busy.
Have you ever felt like that?
Work feels like too much, the house is a mess, there are a thousand things going on with your kids, your parents need help with something, a tire goes flat, the dog needs to go to the vet, you barely have time to workout, and you haven’t finished an entire book in months.
Well, this morning I had a moment.
It was not a season or a week, or even an afternoon – it was just a moment.
A simple second when everything was all right.
I had a good job, and my wife did too. All of us were healthy. Nobody was late for anything.
As I sipped my coffee I realized I had on new shoes and new jeans, and sat in a new truck.
I realized again that I am a soul standing on a giant rock for a brief moment as it hurls hundreds of thousands of miles per hour through deep space.