[This is part of the series: 31 Persuasion Tips That I Learned From Scott Adams]
Saying that direction matters is another way of saying that progress matters.
This progress makes more difference, in a psychological sense, than where you currently are.
How so?
Take my blogging as an example.
I would prefer to have a small blog with growing traffic to a large blog with shrinking traffic.
The same is probably true for all of us in regard to income.
I would prefer to have a small income with 10% growth to a large income falling by 10% per year.
It does not matter if things are good or bad – per se – it matters if they are getting better or worse.”
Or, said yet another way, flow is more important than stock.
PERSUASION TIP 8: People are more influenced by the direction of things than the current state of things.
-Scott Adams, Win Bigly