Let’s not short our kids any of the important experiences that this life has to offer.
See, I absolutely love that life is this big mosaic of emotions and encounters:
- A first birthday party.
- The apprehension of starting kindergarten.
- The joy of a new puppy.
- Snow angels.
- The loss of a grandparent.
- A first crush.
- Getting cut from cheerleading tryouts
- Graduating high school.
- Getting married.
- Getting fired.
- Holding your newborn child.
Of course, I just touched the surface.
But can you fathom denying someone any of the joys or disappointments
that this life has to offer?
You exist! And your were born a human! I mean, you basically won the lottery already. Soak it all up!
Even the hard parts too.
Removing the painful parts has a lot of philosophical implications, if you want to know the truth.
I could not agree more that most of the pleasure comes before the event.
Understand: Parents fail when they don’t let their kids fail.
Much of the pleasure of life lies in dreaming, fantasizing, anticipating, planning. By trying to prepare children for the possibility of disappointment, we can deprive them of important experiences.
-Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk (Amazon)