1. Wonder how many more books I can read before the end of the year?
2. Christmas Eve is better than Christmas.
3. “Your time on this earth is a gift to be used wisely. Don’t squander your words or your thoughts. Consider that even the simplest actions you take for your lives matter beyond measure … and they matter forever.”
–Andy Andrews, The Noticer (Amazon)
4. Clarity in a message is incredibly essential.
5. I am both terrified and comforted that in judgment, all I can do is kneel with empty hands – and point to Jesus.
6. Tim Ferriss is starting to interest me.
7. Man I love Town & Country Magazine. How do I write for them?
9. Every-time I stay up late to finish a movie, I regret it while sipping coffee the next morning.
10. Thank you, God, for coffee.