1. Can you list Evernote on your resume as a work skill?
2. Does anyone rent physical DVD’s still? I mean Netflix is like 10 bucks. HBO now too, I suppose.
3. When I was 18, my dad said I should study engineering (like he did). I didn’t. Sixteen years later – I can think of no better undergraduate education.
4. Good grief, kids. Learn to shake someone’s hand properly. It feels like you have no self-confidence when it is all limp like that.
5. Is there anything better than a signed card from your two-year-old daughter on Father’s Day? Nope.
6. The music at the gym suddenly annoyed me for the first time ever this week. I hope that is not a sign of age.
7. Good grief True Detective is good.
8. The more I trade, the more I think trading involves no intellectual skill-set. It does require a psychological skill-set though.
9. People have got to stop complaining at work. Boss, peers, underlings, nobody wants to hear it. Pray about it. And then if something is still an issue, bring it up at review time in a professional manner. If you are still miserable after that, go look for a new job.
10. Sure wish I would have started a Commonplace book when I was 18. 16 years late is better than never though, I guess.