[This is part of the series: 31 Persuasion Tips That I Learned From Scott Adams]
Should you seek controversy?
Well – like a lot of things – it depends.
If you want attention, maybe for your blog or new product, the answer is yes.
People that agree with you will love you for taking a stand – and they will also defend you.
People that disagree will talk about it over and over giving you publicity – and they will back-link to your website.
If you want to be persuasive though, simplicity with broad strokes might work better.
Leave out the details that people can get caught up in.
Some politicians seem to do this well.
A campaign for “Better Education” is likely to have few dissidents – and the details can always be part of an “ongoing discussion.”
PERSUASION TIP 12: If you want the audience to embrace your content, leave out any detail that is both unimportant and would give people a reason to think, That’s not me. Design into your content enough blank spaces so people can fill them in with whatever makes them happiest.