Positivists Theory is a philosophy that says that all knowable knowledge comes from science/observation.
So yeah, positivists theory has a few problems.
I mean, who can possibly think that? Has nobody bothered to pick up an elementary philosophy/theology book?
I have written about five issues before.
And that is to say nothing at all of the effects of black swan fallacies.
The long and short of it is that there is simply no way to science your way to ethics.
(Psst. Here’s the thing though. Shhh. Most of western academia thinks this way. In fact, most of western culture does now too.)
Of course, we see the effects of dense professors and sloppy thinking more and more everyday, don’t we?
During that first meeting, it was Adler who set the intellectual cat among the professorial pigeons with this claim: “Democracy has much more to fear from the mentality of its teachers [especially its university professors] than from the nihilism of Hitler.” And the danger posed by the American professoriate, in Adler’s view, stemmed from the dominance of “positivists” in that profession.
-Alan Jacobs, The Year Of Our Lord 1943 (Amazon)