For Week Ending: 1/30/2015
Chart Source: barchart.com
ICE cotton dollar prices for March-15 closed around 80 points higher this week as prices finished at 59.36. The July-15 contract finished at 60.85. Open interest for March-15 is at 124,561 contracts. July-15 open interest is at 20,7396. U.S. certified stocks equaled 58,680 while net export sales were at 546,200 RB. Managed money is net short. Short-term, technical traders see possible support around 59.00 with possible resistance around 60.00. The long-term trend is down.
July-15 is at: 60.85
Cotlook ‘A’ Index is at: 67.30
Cash Sales
For 1/30/2015, the trading platform TheSeam.com reported an average cash price of: 54.92.
On March, that puts the average basis right at: -444 points.
Cash prices are averaging 9.27 cents over loan value.
(China was the big buyer at 177,700.)
Current World Balance Sheet (2014/2015)
Imports – Exports: 6.95
Imports – Exports: -3.60
Ending Stocks/Mill Use Ratio: 60.08%
Current USA Balance Sheet (2014/2015)
Imports – Exports: -9.99
Commitments of Traders
- Long: 59,462 (Contracts)
- Short: 75,906
- Long: 44,856
- Short: 5,936
- Long: 50,223
- Short: 55,902
- Long: 18,859
- Short: 28,752
General View
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