Here are 5 things I am thankful for in 2022.
I am so thankful for my wife and kids. I know I say this every year – but they are one of the main joys of my life. A few weeks ago, I heard a billionaire on some show get asked what success was. He said, “grown children that want to come home to visit.” That seems spot-on to me.
I am thankful that I am regularly the only employee in my office. I share the space with one coworker, but he is rarely there (off meeting with customers). The company I work for is also nearly 100% distributed. Because of all this, I am able to dress casually. Extremely casually. During the summer I often wear sandals, shorts, and a t-shirt as if I am headed to the beach. I admit – it’s a charmed life.
I am thankful for long walks. Honestly, work has been a complete pile of trash this last year – and I have less day-to-day margin than I ever planned. I rarely get to leisurely flânerie anymore. This makes the times that I do get to go for a nice long stroll that much more special.
I am so thankful for grace. We, humans, are so awful. We deserve nothing. We make the wrong choices every single day (if only in our hearts). And yet we are so loved by our creator. I am thankful that my oldest accepted Christ this year. And I am so thankful for the forgiveness we are all offered.
I am thankful for dividends. 🤣 No really, hear me out. Small deposits over time compound. And then the dividends that they produce, if reinvested, compound too. Over the course of a decade, this cash drip can become a small creek and then an actual river. (If you are able to stand the drawdowns, you can achieve some incredible returns.) I am finally at a place to make some life-changing moves when ready. I. Can’t. Wait.