July-15 is at: 63.40
Dec-15 is at: 64.06
Cotlook ‘A’ Index is at: 69.15
For 3/20/2015, the trading platform TheSeam.com reported an average cash price of: 54.00.
On July, that puts the average basis right at: –9.4 points.
Cash prices are averaging 10.06 cents over loan value.
Stocks and Sales
(China was the big buyer at 85,600.)
Current World Balance Sheet (2014/2015)
Current China Balance Sheet (2014/2015)
Imports – Exports: 7.25
Current India Balance Sheet (2014/2015)
Imports – Exports: -3.10
Ending Stocks/Mill Use Ratio: 62.16%
Beginning Stocks: 2.45 (million 480 lb. bales)
Imports – Exports: -10.69
Producer / Merchant
- Long: 17,447 (Contracts)
- Short: 94,415
- Long: 53,089
- Short: 4,998
- Long: 57,471
- Short: 38,681
- Long: 24,008
- Short: 13,530
Cotton Price Model: 60.3 cents
A regression model, like the one located here can give insight into how prices, on average, would react given a change in one or more fundamental supply or demand factors. A proper interpretation of this price model would be:
(*Note: This model does not attempt to forecast the future direction or level of cotton prices.)
General View
Bearish to neutral.
*This is for informational purposes only, and not a recommendation to buy or sell.