1. When did articles become lists? The list articles are sure easier to write though – I’ll say that.
2. It would be awesome if the real interest rate could get above – oh, I don’t know – zero.
3. It’s official. I am of that generation. I would give up TV before I would give up the internet.
4. Maybe I am not of that generation. I would give up the internet before I would give up books. Maybe with e-books I can just keep both.
5. How did I live before Evernote?
6. I now hit the gym with health in mind – not looks. When did that suddenly happen?
7. It is unreasonable how much time I spend watching my dogs – just waiting for them to go to the bathroom.
8. I wish I could remember half of what I learned in grad school.
9. What did people do before Aspirin and Advil? Just die?
10. I trust journalists as far as Ryan Holiday can throw them.