Here are 31 persuasion tips that I learned reading Scott Adams fantastic book, Win Bigly (Amazon)
Because, well, we all need a few more tips on persuasion.
Drink them up:
People will usually act like the group they want to identify with.
- If people see themselves as smart. Showing them what smart people do can get them to behave in a similar way.
Reciprocity is a force of nature – give gifts.
- Giving a gift puts an obligation on the recipient. People are hardwired for complementary actions.
Persuasion works, even if people see it.
- Giving me a nice gift creates reciprocity in me, even if I know all about point number two above.
The more you mentally focus on something, the more you will inflate its importance.
- Focus is a funny thing. If all I can think about is wanting a new car, the idea can quietly become the most important thing in my life.
An intentional mistake can cause people to focus on something – see #4.
- Not every political gaffe is an accident, if you want to know the truth.
There is a perfect middle ground between never apologizing and apologizing too much.
- The line between weakness and no conscience can be a thin one.
Reality can predict.
- Think your version of the future is correct? We only know after it manifests.
Direction matters more than the state.
- Show things improving. People are much less concerned about where things actually are.
Confidence works.
- People who act confident look confident. And people are naturally drawn to this.
A credible person is more persuasive than a non-credible one.
- Individuals with lots of degrees tend to hang them everywhere. You know why? It shows credibility.
If you guess what someone is thinking, it will make them think that you both reason in the same way.
- Now I know what you are thinking. Does that really work? You bet it does. It is quite easy to fall for, actually.
Leave out details.
- A broad stroke idea with three key points is easier to agree on than getting everyone bogged down in the details.
Focus on what people agree on.
- “Better Education” is a great broad stroke idea. We can get input and expert advice on the particulars later.
Do not attack personal beliefs.
- Try this in your next conflict: Don’t disagree. You can add to a point, but don’t disagree with it.
Unpredictable rewards are more addictive.
- Slot machines have this figured out. This is not an accident.
You are more persuasive if people think you are persuasive.
- Not everyone is open to persuasion. It’s easier if people think you are persuasive from the beginning.
Certainty is more persuasive than uncertainty.
- This point ties back to number nine. The more you are certain, the more others will be too.
Visual persuasion is better than non-visual.
- Visuals work. They override your brain. Don’t believe me? See the McGurk Effect.
Visual words are better than non-visual words.
- If you don’t have a visual, create one.
Contrasts are persuasive.
- This point is a continuation of number 19. You need to show the differences people are choosing between.
Association works over time.
- If you are Frank – and I call you “Frazzled Frank” every time you walk by – guess how people will start to see you.
People tend to get over the small things that drive them crazy.
- You might be surprised what you can get used to.
What people think you mean is more important than what you say.
- Marketing is about perception.
Frame choices as win-win.
- The optimal path to “Better Education” might be more parental control or more efficient spending. Few will want less of either.
Ask for the sale.
- After all 31 points, just ask for what you want. Clarity is attractive.
Repetition is persuasive.
- Repetition is persuasive. Repetition is persuasive. Repetition is persuasive.
Talk like your audience.
- Some people talk with small and simple ideas for a reason.
Simple is better than the complex.
- Again, simple ideas are more attractive than complicated ones.
Simple ideas are more memorable.
- Simple things are also easier to remember. And being remembered is half the battle.
Be ambiguous if necessary.
- The less specificity, the more people will think you are talking directly to them.
Give people a reason to decide.
- To someone who already wants to agree, the simple use of the word “because” can work like magic.
Seriously, go read Win Bigly (Amazon)
[More? Here are: 20 Techniques Of Persuasion]
Using visuals. Tapping into emotion. Repetition. And simplicity.
Visuals are more persuasive.
Simple ones. Shoot for clarity and simplicity.